Beekeeping Supplies

If you know of anyone local to Stokes County selling supplies who are not included on this list, please contact us to get them added.

BusinessContact Person(s)PhoneLocation
American Bee SupplyGeorge Page336-317-4681Kernersville, NC
Bee AttitudesDarrell Hampton
Rusty Hampton
Germanton, NC
Blueridge Bee Supply336-719-7878 Mt. Airy, NC
H&S Bee Supply Chad Hiatt
Davie Simpson
Mt. Airy, NC

BEE SUPPLIERS (closest to Stokes County)

If you’re looking to purchase a nuc or a package checkout these suppliers from Stokes county and the surrounding area.

Gary Bowen(336) 414-6821
Joey Lee BullinBoonville(336) 244-1415
Sam BolickConcord(704) 305-3859
Brian FisherConcord(980) 521-8642
Dandelion Bee Supply Inc.Concord(704) 784-0101
David FruchtenichtDurham(919) 489-0428
George PageKernersville(336) 497-4310
Mike JoseyPfafftown(336) 407-1557
Mike BournPfafftown(336) 407-1553
Plank Road ApiarySanford(919) 776-9517
Timothy HoltSiloam(336) 710-4904
Beez NeedzSophia(336) 431-2339
Squeaky Tree Honey FarmStatesville(704) 450-7335
Chris MendenhallThomasville(336) 442-9835
Rossman ApiariesWilkesboro(336) 990-9273